Screen caps and epicness on home turf

Got some cool footage on card in the alps, and editing as we speak (not really…) and it will air in a couple of days (not gonna happen). But at least u can have some caps from it! The two last days were epic, with perfectly light snow and bluebird, so the stoke couldn’t been higher. And we should have been bummed to go back home, but as the forecast said one week of dumpage we weren’t too sad. And we went almost straight out of the airport to kroken and what I will call the best krokisshred of all time!

Vegard providing some chair lift entertainment

Giving the austrians some chair lift entertainment

After a week of pillowcase practice i was ready to take my game to the mountain

We even got two runs on tape and actually managed to process them within a reasonable amount of time, so here is for ur viewing pleasure. Kroken shred the movie!

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